Saturday, June 28, 2008

Another Crazy Weekend

Today begins a crazy weekend for us. Today we go to my husbands grandparents home for their annual pool party. Then tomorrow is a benefit for his mom.
Yesterday we dropped little man off with grandpa for a weekend of fun. They are going to watch my uncle race his race car. Which it super cool for my little man since that's all he thinks about is cars. (to young to think about girls LOL).
So the goal of the day to day is to have fun and not get thrown in the pool.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Back

Special message for my dad: Dad with my pretend money I bought you this yellow Nomad. Hope you like it. Oh, and this one too......

Sometimes you just need to take sometime and reflect on things. There are days where my head is spinning with so much I just do not know what to do or where to start. With that said I took some me time.

I wanted to share some of the things we have been up to lately.

This past weekend we were at a grad party(that I helped put together). And we went to a car show.
Now here is a video of my little man. He is so shy so when he got up to sing I had to video it for the world to see.

See isn't that cute.

Here is Brit getting ready to sing I missed her singing because this happened next.
Fourth head from the bottom would be my husband the biggest kid of them all. And see Brit could not stay away from the fun.

Then we went to the Back to the 50's Car show.

Now that was fun. The song " If I had a Million Dollars" is playing in my head.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am still here

Time is hard to find lately. I am up at 3:30 4:00 am. At work by 6:00am. Leave work at 3:15pm. Home by 4:45pm. Dinner by 6:00pm if I am lucky. Shower relax. Check email. maybe fit a load of laundry in there somewhere. Bedtime 8:00-9:00pm. Repeat.
So here is a brief over view :
Working 8 hour days sucks. I want my 10 hour days back. OK, done whining.
Position was filled at work that I wanted so not really happy right now. (long story)
Stress levels are all over.
Want more time with my kids.
It is grad tiem so weekends are booked.
Had dinner with my dad. Very cool.
Brit got her hair cut. (she loves it)
Little man is a Tick magnetic.
Time for bed.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My bird pictures

Yep I know it is wrong for MN. But they love it here. Stay out side all winter long. Beautiful bird. But man they love to sit and crap on your car. LOL

Sunday, June 1, 2008

GeoCaching In Banning State Park

Kettle River - Banning State Park
Today was the perfect day to go out a geocache. We left early and headed about 35 miles north of our home to cache in Banning State Park. The cache is located along a self guided trail. As we walked the trail we would stop and would read the brochure on what the importance of the area was back in 1892-1912. We learned alot about the sandstone that was quarried here and how there was a railroad line through this area also. Some of the area was devastated during the Hinckley Fire in 1894. There were times where it felt like we were in a movie looking for the treasure because of how there are still partial structures standing. So, not only did we fine the cache we learned alot along the way. So our next adventure will be to check out some other quarries in the area.
Now for your viewing pleasure I thought I would show you some pictures and give you alittle history that goes with them.

Here in this picture you can see areas that had been drilled for them to use explosives to blow out the stone

Here Jim and the kids are looking down a hole in the quarry. These types of areas are now used as dens for gods critters.

This is the power house. Here is where there was large coal fired steam generator with a 20 foot fly wheel. Inside the power house they also had a artesian well that they would use to bottle water. This was aside business they had going on.

This area is where they would crush rock that was not used for building to be used for cement mix and or as road bed. Between these two walls a train would sit to be filled. This is the Dragons Tooth Rapids. Known for its beauty and unpredictability.Here is some of the regrowth. There are several plants here that only grow in one other place in MN. One of them is Birds-eye Primrose.

Well I hope you enjoyed our little tour.