Sunday, June 1, 2008

GeoCaching In Banning State Park

Kettle River - Banning State Park
Today was the perfect day to go out a geocache. We left early and headed about 35 miles north of our home to cache in Banning State Park. The cache is located along a self guided trail. As we walked the trail we would stop and would read the brochure on what the importance of the area was back in 1892-1912. We learned alot about the sandstone that was quarried here and how there was a railroad line through this area also. Some of the area was devastated during the Hinckley Fire in 1894. There were times where it felt like we were in a movie looking for the treasure because of how there are still partial structures standing. So, not only did we fine the cache we learned alot along the way. So our next adventure will be to check out some other quarries in the area.
Now for your viewing pleasure I thought I would show you some pictures and give you alittle history that goes with them.

Here in this picture you can see areas that had been drilled for them to use explosives to blow out the stone

Here Jim and the kids are looking down a hole in the quarry. These types of areas are now used as dens for gods critters.

This is the power house. Here is where there was large coal fired steam generator with a 20 foot fly wheel. Inside the power house they also had a artesian well that they would use to bottle water. This was aside business they had going on.

This area is where they would crush rock that was not used for building to be used for cement mix and or as road bed. Between these two walls a train would sit to be filled. This is the Dragons Tooth Rapids. Known for its beauty and unpredictability.Here is some of the regrowth. There are several plants here that only grow in one other place in MN. One of them is Birds-eye Primrose.

Well I hope you enjoyed our little tour.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Park, I would have enjoyed that trip. Love to hike trail and explore.
Nice to see the family hanging out together.
I Love You All
Auntie Laurie

Anonymous said...

Nice outing. That was prudent to get the park pass. Always stuff at these that keep costs down.

Love Grace Peace too All

Dad/Grandpa Mike

Anonymous said...

Great day to spend with family. The park looks great . fun to explore I bet. Glad to see everyone enjoy that. LOVE to all Aunt Janet

Sandcastle Momma said...

What a beautiful place! I'm a huge history buff so wandering around a place with all of that history would be heaven for me. That's one of the things I like best about geocaching - it takes you places you might not ever visit. Thanks for the post - I can wander through that park from here LOL

I will check on shipping prices and get back to you in a day or so. We're crazy here right now, it's the end of school and we've got a ton going on but we'll definitely make time to grab some crabs for you.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great place to cache!