Monday, November 10, 2008

Strange Child

Such a cute child he is. Yet he really makes me wonder. This child LOVES and I mean LOVES laundry baskets. He is always playing in my laundry basket. He as I type is sitting in one watching TV.(no one is sitting on the love seat and there is room on the couch). He is very content to just sit and play in the basket. Any chance he get he takes them over. So this year for Christmas the child is getting his very own to play with. No toys for this child but a laundry basket.
So now for your viewing pleasure I give you my boy and the laundry basket.


Anonymous said...

How Funny... Think of all the money you are saving not having to buy him any toys.. LOL
Love the Video.
Miss You all
Love You Aunt Laurie

Sandcastle Momma said...

That is too funny! I love that he can entertain himself like that. I can't wait to see Christmas pics and what he does with his own basket LOL