Saturday, March 14, 2009

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance.......I thought our school was a Zero Tolerance school. If you were in possession of illegal drugs you were expelled.
Nope that is not the case. Our school gives you multiple chances. If you have drugs on you get 5 days suspension. 5 DAYS....What is that telling our children. Its OK, we just slap your hands and that is it. I know if you were in possession and were pulled over by a cop you would be arrested and have to go to jail.
Recently a child in my daughters class brought drugs to school. This child bragged to someone about it and and was busted. They then bring drug dogs in the school to search for more. And now this child is coming back. My daughter and her friends are upset that this is happening. The feel all this child is going to do is brag about it. If they had their way this child would no longer be able to attend their school. And I agree with that. And I even looked at it as if it was my child. Yep, I would want there to be repercussion for her actions. I always tell my daughter that for every action there is a reaction. Whether it is a good or bad action.
What do you think? Am I wrong for thinking that way?

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