Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekend Update

Things are going good. Having hard time with Jim not using hand and over extending his abilities. Not a very busy week end.
Picked up Dance Dance Supernova for ps2 for Brittany. She is very excited. It took going to about 5 different stores to locate the game with out the dance pad since we already had the dance pad. So when she starts to use it I will post photos.
Still doing cleaning up on items that I no longer need or use. So who knows maybe another contest to come your way. Hopefully more will enter.
have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, Take of yourself.. don't over do it, You want to get healed ASAP. take it easy.
Nice to here you had a quit weekend, it's nice to have those once in awhile.
My Love to you all.
Auntie L.