Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Story From the Heart

Eagle I wanted to share a story that was in the the Pioneer Press News Paper. This is a close to home story since the young man in this story is one who I feel I can call a friend. We spend 10 hours a day together and joke around and have a good time. I had know that his fiance had been in Iraq and he was always thinking of her. I also remember we would all say to him how may more days till you see her.

Now this story is about love, trust and everything that make a relationship work. I feel so honored to work with such a man. And I want to share this with all that I know. So please pass on this good story about soldiers.

And a special note to Amanda. I know we have never met in person but thank you for what you have do for my family and for being a great role model for my daughter and other daughters out there.

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