Monday, October 29, 2007

Up to my Ankles in.....

Yesterday morning was a normal Sunday to begin with. I was preparing to boil my pumpkin meat to make pies when I was looking for my big stock pot and could not find it.
The first thought was it "its in the basement". I loath going in to the basement it looks like an old dungeon. I just loath going down there I usual make Jim go down there. So, I entered the basement and began to head down the stairs. I stopped dead in my tracks. my basement was flooded. With what.....YUK. My sewer line backed up in to my basement.
Of course what is the first thing that I do is run up the stairs an wake Jim up. "The basement is full of ......."
Now I realize that no one can use the bathroom. So, I call my girlfriend and no answer. Going through my head was "crap, this is going to be bad". After, getting the kids to my girlfriends , I run to the hardware store and rent a sewer snake ($40.00). It is 85 feet long. Get it home and it is not long enough to clear the problem. Now, the dreaded phone call. "Hello, Roto-Rooter I got a problem" After Wayne the Roto-Rooter man clears the clog took 120 feet of snake and over $300.00 I can now begin to clean my basement. Most of my stuff has been in Rubbermaid's but I still had some in boxes. And my Christmas tree is lost along with Jim's "charlie brown Christmas tree".
So, you ask have I learned anything. Nope because we still do not know why it was plugged.
But, I do thank the lord that it was fixed. And that it was not a collapsed line and that I did not have to get a contractor to come out to lay new line.
So here was my fun day.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a Sunday ! like ya said could of been worse.Love ya all

Mary said...

Well, my Sunday was fine, but Monday wasn't so great. However, I'm glad you were able to get the sewer mess cleaned up. We had to lay an entire new line in 2002. All the way from the house to the street. That was no fun.

Take care and I hope the rest of your week is great.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I know what an absolute mess and chore that can be. Many years ago I put my main line on a 2 year schedule, every other year I have the sewer people come out and just clear the whole line from the house to the main opening, it runs just over 150'. My problem has been mature tree roots, and we have been fortunate that this preventative program has worked for us historically.
Have a much better week, love you. Mom

Susan said...
