Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It could only happen.....

Saturday after we went to the Harvest fest we had to stop and get gas in the car(current price 2.04)as as we pull up to the pump Jim sees a car that has a sticker that says "honk for a Flash". Ok, so what does he want to do but Honk. I just laughed and headed in to pay the bill. As, I was walking in I see the car is full of BOYS. Ok time for me to be fun. He honked but no one flashed him. Still after I payed I again said something to the boys about the flashing. As I get to the car 4 boys jump out of the car and FLASH my husband. I laughed so hard. So what silly things has happened to you.

1 comment:

Sandcastle Momma said...

That is too funny! I wish I could have seen the look on your husband's face when they flashed him LOL