We learned about the Great Hinkley Fire. And about the original settlement of the Pine City.
I feel that as long as we are having fun, it was OK to look in to some history. And little man wanted to show his big sister things she missed out on last weekends Geocache so we had to go back and visit some places we have already been to.
Learning interesting stuff
Our little dog loves to go and Geocache with us.
Cute shots. :) We spent Sunday geocaching. :) And while we didn't get out Saturday we went to a cacher's baby shower and dined later with cachers. :)
I'm a big history buff so I always enjoy finding caches at places that teach me something. And it is the best way to teach a history lesson to kids - they soak it all up and learn something new but never know that's what's going on LOL I hope her throat is feeling better. I never know when to take the kids to the doctor and when to wait. Usually if I wait I should have taken them and if I take them I should have waited LOL
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