Friday, April 18, 2008

Opps I forgot the Turtles

This was so funny. I could not help myself but to be laughing the whole time.


Sandcastle Momma said...

OMG! Those turtles are incredible. Do they bite hard or do they nibble? I've never seen big turtles like that be so active (the ones we have here on the beach move pretty slow LOL)

I was awarded the E for Excellent blog award today and I've chosen you as one of the blogs I want to pass the award on to. I love your blog and always enjoy reading whatever you have to say! Come on over to my site and grab the award to post on your blog if you're interested.

Jan said...

This video is too funny. Are those turles or tortoises?

Unknown said...

I love the turtles! They are quicker than you'd think. :) How funny that they thought shoes would taste good!