Saturday, May 17, 2008

Round Robin Challenge - WOOD

Welcome Robin's. This challenge is one I was so excited about I could not wait to post. I work in the wood industry so I of course have wood all around me. I made sure to ask the owners for permission to take some photo. I feel this is one of my best challenges so far. Please tell me what you think. Now remember to visit all the other Robin's. I had such a hard time just picking one so here they are:

This one is my favorite OAKMore oak Here you can see the Wood fly as it is being Machined

This is after an end fab is done

This is the Wood veneer we use

Here Wood is being overlayed on Wood

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out all the other Robin's out there. And just a reminder for you AOL users I can always visit but acn not comment.


MyMaracas said...

These shots are wonderful! It's so interesting to see the wood in the process of becoming something useful. Nice angles and vantage points, too.

Jan said...

I agree, these are wonderful shots. Who works with the wood, is it a job or a hobby?

Pamela said...

I've heard that term "wood veneer"... now I feel full of knowledge.

I enjoyed your post very much!

Sandcastle Momma said...

I love your pictures. I can almost smell that fresh cut wood. I love oak and I like the light color of the veneer. Very cool pictures!

Carly said...

Hi Sarah :)

YOU DID GREAT! I am so pleased to be able to see these photos, I was not expecting to see actual photos from the woodworking industry. So far, I haven't seen anything like this! Thank you so much for playing along, I wouldn't or woodn't... lol... have missed it for the world!

Always, Carly

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice perspective!

I played too :)

Gattina said...

Lots of wood ! very nice pictures !

Kiva said...

Wow...I never expected an entry like this when I proposed the topic. That first photo blew me away with its perspective and contrast. The other photos are fantastic -- I learned a lot especially about "wood flies" -- yeah, I figured it out eventually... flying wood, not flies made out of wood [:0}

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Wow! Thanks for showing us the professional side of wood! I especially like the veneer shot. It's especially interesting right now, because my husband is researching hardwood flooring vs. laminates for the bedroom.

Steven said...

I like the colors. Reminds me how each piece of wood is unique even though it's cut to a similar shape. Great look at wood.

Unknown said...

Wow, you're very woody today! :)

Interesting stuff though. I love oak.

Anonymous said...

Good words.